If you’re not familiar with how weed clubs in Spain work, or Is weed legal in Spain? then here’s a short history lesson……
In Spain, at present, the only legal cannabis products are the frankly wonderful and exclusive range of home fragrances produced by Spanish luxury brand, Loewe. And, to be totally transparent, their Scent of Marihuana range is an olfactory creation mimicking those soothing woody, herbal aromas. But, hey, at least you’ll be able to get these products through customs 😉

Around 30 years ago in Spain, so we’re talking in the early 1990’s, the first cannabis social clubs – also called associations for cannabis users – were created. Their primary objective was to provide a space for responsible consumption and where, in many cases, the plants were cultivated by the association members in order to avoid dealings with the black market for what was, and is still, considered an illegal substance. These associations with their model based on shared and responsible consumption, have become the blueprint for the German government for what will be Europe’s biggest marijuana regulation and legalization project. It’s also the model which has been used in Malta and Uruguay. Indeed, earlier this year, various top-ranking government officials from a range of countries – Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, Hungary, Portugal and Switzerland to name just a few, were in Barcelona, the city with the largest number of associations, in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the Spanish model.

Ironically, in Spain, 30 years after the first cannabis social clubs came into existence, the activity of these associations continues to be unregulated and the association leaders and their members are at the mercy of judicial interpretation which, in the past in many cases, has meant that association founders have been found guilty of drug trafficking, or of offenses contravening public health laws.
It is true that the Senate chamber rejected proposed laws last year, 2022. However, the new Health Minister in the new progressive government of November 2023, Mónica García, has said that the bill for legalizing medicinal cannabis should be ready soon. Also on her route map is depenalization of production and consumption for recreational use. When that bill gets set before parliament is as yet not clear.
Of course, all this is very interesting. Here is where we can advise on the big question. How to find weed in Spain? And how do you find a private members’ cannabis social club in Madrid, or a cannabis club in Barcelona, or a cannabis club in Marbella or a cannabis club in Mojácar or a cannabis club in Mallorca
Firstly, as you have read above, it’s important to understand how clubs work in Spain so you’ll need to agree to maintain the closed circle doctrine. In other words, agree that you will not transfer or sell any of the cannabis products you acquire to any third party.
Secondly, you’ll need to certify that you’re an experienced user of cannabis. Most clubs have a plus 21 years of age rule.
Thirdly, you’ll need a sponsor.
Cannabis Club Joints can help. We offer our sponsorship to trusted private cannabis clubs in Spain.